All you need to know about cirrhosis of the liver

All you need to know about cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver occurs when the healthy tissues are replaced by scar tissues as a result of alcohol abuse or hepatitis C. Cirrhosis of the liver can be a serious condition if left untreated for a long time and can even cause death. Causes of liver cirrhosis Some of the most common causes of liver cirrhosis are chronic alcoholism, hepatitis C, excess iron residues in the body, infections such as syphilis, cystic fibrosis, genetic digestive disorder, fatty liver disease which is not caused by alcohol, hardening of the bile ducts, autoimmune hepatitis, accumulation of copper in the liver, destruction of bile ducts, medications such as methotrexate or isoniazid, exposure to toxic substances such as pesticides, blocked flow of bile, nonexistence of bile ducts in some children, or galactosemia or alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. Symptoms of liver cirrhosis The symptoms of cirrhosis may not be evident until it has reached an advanced stage. The main reason for these symptoms is the liver’s inability to filter the blood, break down toxins, absorb fats, and produce clotting proteins. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of liver cirrhosis are mentioned below: Tiredness and fatigue Irregular menstruation cycles or menopause in women Bleeding Bruising Swelling in abdomen, legs, feet, and ankles Jaundice Loss of sex drive and breast enlargement in men Hepatic encephalopathy that causes confusion, drowsiness, slurred speech, etc.
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Easily identifiable causes and symptoms of eczema

Easily identifiable causes and symptoms of eczema

Not all of us believe that beauty is merely skin deep, but when there are red, itchy rashes that are inflamed, cracked and splitting our skin, we might not really enjoy being subjected to them. Eczema or dermatitis is a skin condition that inevitably affects people of all ages. A non-communicable disease, eczema has unambiguous triggers and equally clear symptoms that you can instantly identify. The causes of eczema are many indeed. The triggers can vary for different people and even for the same person, they can change according to the season of the year. How the symptoms of eczema manifest on the skin can also depend on many other factors like the age of the person, how often the condition recurs and how much the scratching is restrained. Allergens that stimulate hypersensitive allergic reactions or irritants that cause inflammation or discomfort to the body can cause eczema. Some examples of allergens and irritants are: Noxious smoke from environmental air pollution or burning cigarettes Cold air, dry weather, hot temperature, and sweat Hand or body soaps, shampoos, laundry detergents, disinfectants, cleaning liquids, acids or chemicals Dust mites Pollen from flowers and plants like poison ivy and poison oak Paints and furniture polish Pet dander or hair Rough materials or synthetics that touch the exposed skin like wool, latex or polyester Sensitivity to moldy surroundings Foods like eggs, nuts, shellfish, soy, kiwi, pineapple, milk Upper respiratory infections Metals like nickel and cobalt found usually in jewelry Intense natural or man-made fragrances Essential oils Health conditions like asthma and hay fever Eczema begins basically as a simple rash that is red and mildly itchy.
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All you need to know about Psoriatic Arthritis

All you need to know about Psoriatic Arthritis

About 30% of psoriasis cases will develop psoriatic arthritis. This form of psoriasis causes stiffness, swelling, and pain in and around the joints. It appears equally among men and women. Like psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis is chronic; it causes inflammation in the joints and where ligaments and tendons connect to the bone. The inflammation is caused by a disorder of the immune system. Psoriatic arthritis appears mostly between the ages of 30 and 50 but can occur at any age. Psoriatic arthritis develops approximately 10 years after the onset of psoriasis. However, there have been cases of psoriatic arthritis without any signs or psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis is unpredictable; it can occur slowly with mild symptoms, or it can develop swiftly and become serious in a short span of time. The fundamental cause of psoriatic arthritis is thought to be genetics. Being obese and having some other form of psoriasis are other the risk factors. The standard symptom of psoriatic arthritis is swelling of the entire finger or toe. The swollen finger and toe resemble sausages, a condition called dactylitis. Dactylitis affects fingers and toes at random, not in a symmetrical manner. The swelling is often accompanied by changes to the nails, nails get a pitted appearance, nails thicken, and nails get detached from the nail bed.
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Effects and risks of testosterone replacement therapy

Effects and risks of testosterone replacement therapy

Testosterone, well known as the male sex hormone, is responsible for a lot of characteristics of the male human body. The growth and functioning of the male reproductive organs, the testicles and their prostate, their larger bone and muscle strength and all the body hair are controlled by this natural hormone. Managing the libido or sex drive, the distribution of fat in the body, and even certain functions of the brain, this hormone is also produced in women, but it is in smaller proportions. Testosterone provides a general sense of well being in both men and women. Effects of low testosterone levels As testosterone plays numerous important roles in the body, its deficiency causes health problems. Listed here are a few examples of the results of testosterone reducing to levels much below the optimum level needed by the body to function properly. Disturbances in the brain, leading to an inability to focus on, and learn or memorize things Disorientation Depression Mood swings and anxiety Osteoporosis and weakened muscle mass Fatigue Obesity Decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction The possibility of frail health and onset of diseases like prostate cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s increases enormously when the amount of testosterone decreases in men.
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Multiple myeloma – Diagnosis

Multiple myeloma – Diagnosis

If multiple myeloma is suspected or the risk factors are present, there are tests to determine the status of a patient vis-à-vis the disease. Multiple myeloma may be suspected in cases of unexplained incidence of a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and anemia. Urine tests Urine is tested to determine the level of M proteins (monoclonal proteins or myeloma proteins), a substance that can be extensively produced by myeloma plasma cells. This protein, if found in the urine, is called Bence Jones protein. Quantitative metrics of the Bence Jones protein is required to establish a myeloma diagnosis, and further monitor the progress of the disease. Blood tests Blood is tested for blood cell counts, uric acid levels, calcium levels, the percentage of plasma cells in the bone marrow, and for kidney function. Blood tests also reveal the presence of another abnormal protein that is produced by the myeloma cells – beta-2-microglobulin. High calcium levels, due to the breakdown of bone tissue and the release of calcium into the blood causes an impaired kidney function. This raises serum creatinine levels. A recent recommendation for multiple myeloma diagnosis, an immunoassay called serum free light chain assay, is being used if the disease is suspect but the abnormal protein levels are low.
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All you need to know about skin cancer

All you need to know about skin cancer

The occurrence of skin cancer is highest among the types of cancer that are faced in the country. Almost 50% of Americans are likely to develop some form of skin cancer before the age of 65. Though specific causes are not known, it is suspected that the cause of skin cancer is genetic. Most cases of skin cancer occurrences are attributed to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light present in sunlight and tanning beds. However, some cases of skin cancer have been known to develop in areas rarely exposed to the sun like the fingernail bed or genital area. The most common skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Both these cell types are found in the bottom and top layers of the skin respectively. Skin cancer appears in different forms. In the case of the basal cell, it appears as a scar-like, flesh-colored or brown lesion. In squamous cell carcinoma, a flat lesion or nodule appears with a crusted, scaly surface. A third, less common type of skin cancer called melanoma can occur even in areas that are not exposed to UV light. Melanoma appears in the form of a mole or as brown spots. Diagnosis The commonly used tests to diagnose skin cancers are skin examinations, biopsies, and imaging tests.
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The types of lupus

The types of lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune rheumatic disease wherein the immune system attacks its own tissues. This disease can last for years, or it may even be lifelong. It can, basically, be classified into four different types: Systemic lupus erythematosus This is what most people mean when they refer to lupus as this is the most common form of the disease. This form can be either mild or severe, and some of the complications seen in patients having this form of the disease are as follows: Inflammation of the kidney, which is also referred to as Lupus nephritis, can affect the body’s ability to filter waste from the blood. It is a condition that needs to be taken quite seriously as it can be severe, and the patient may require dialysis or even a kidney transplant. Inflammation of the nervous system and brain can cause confusion, memory problems, headaches, and even strokes. Inflammation in the brain’s blood vessels can cause high fever, seizures, and behavioral changes. Hardening of the arteries or coronary artery disease may lead to deposits on the coronary artery walls, causing a heart attack. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus This type is limited to the skin, and although cutaneous lupus can cause many types of rashes, the most common of them is the discoid rash.
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Causes and risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease

Causes and risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists have not yet understood the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. It is understood that there is a genetic component that causes the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease and a complex series of changes in the brain that occurred over time causes the late onset of Alzheimer’s disease. The increased or decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s differs from person to person. The causes of Alzheimer’s include genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Alzheimer’s disease affects older adults and the causes are still being researched. Studies show that the related changes in the brain could harm the neurons, which contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. Age-related changes such as inflammation of the brain, production of unstable molecules (free radicals), and mitochondrial dysfunction (the breaking down of energy that is produced within a cell) cause Alzheimer’s. Genetics Among most patients, the onset of Alzheimer’s around their mid-60’s is generally considered late. The gene, apolipoprotein E is what causes the late onset. One form of the gene is responsible for the early or late onset of Alzheimer’s. This however does not imply that Alzheimer’s disease will definitely develop even if the person is carrying the gene. The reverse also can be possible that people who do not carry the gene may also develop Alzheimer’s.
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Coping with cervical cancer

Coping with cervical cancer

Diagnosis of cervical cancer can bring on a wide range of emotions and questions. The initial impact can be quite stressful. The effect it has on one’s daily life will depend on the stage of cancer and the treatment they are receiving. Concerns about treatment: The treatments may vary depending on the stage of cervical cancer, the side effects, the patient’s preference, and overall health. One must take time to learn about all the treatment options and costs associated with it. They can resolve any doubts they have by talking to their doctor. Treatment will be given by a multidisciplinary team of health care specialists, including counselors, dieticians, and others. Women with cervical cancer may have concerns about the effect of treatment on their sexual function and fertility. These topics should be discussed with the health care team before treatment begins. If one is pregnant, then they must ask the doctor about how the course of treatment could affect the mother and child or if treatment can be delayed until after the baby is born. Cost of treatment: One needs to work out the expenses related to treatment and health care. In the case of financial difficulty, there are national organizations and local service organizations that help people with cancer.
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Diagnosis and stages of lung cancer

Diagnosis and stages of lung cancer

Lung cancer is a lung disease that affects the functioning of the organ. The lungs are attacked by cancerous cells that cause numerous complexities. Once the doctors assess the symptoms and if they detect abnormalities in symptoms a series of tests will be done to reach a diagnosis. X-Rays They are the first imaging test that doctors recommend to understand the cause. This will help identify tumors that are about 1 cm wide. Very small or tumors hidden by other organs cannot be detected by X-rays. CT scan Small tumors can be detected and they also give clear information about the lymph nodes. PET scan With the help of a radioactive dye that is injected, cancer cells are highlighted. This test also helps to stage of cancer, if diagnosed positive. Spirometry This test helps to assess the functioning of the lungs. Sputum Cytology If one expels phlegm during cough, this test will be done. A microscopic examination will help detect the presence of cancer cells if any. Biopsy If any of the above tests, lead to suspicion of cancer, a biopsy will be done to confirm if the tumor cells are cancerous or not. Procedures to do the biopsy are:
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