Diagnosis and treatment of chicken pox

Diagnosis and treatment of chicken pox

Chickenpox is caused by a virus called varicella virus and is extremely contagious. Chickenpox is diagnosed by the visible signs and symptoms it causes such as the development of rashes. If you notice any rashes that are red and scabby on your child, visit a doctor immediately. Doctors can help provide the necessary measures to manage the symptoms of chickenpox and avoid any further complications. New-borns, pregnant women, people with a weak immune system or other health conditions must seek a doctor’s advice immediately after they notice the first tell-tale signs of chicken pox. Treatment of chickenpox Chickenpox generally does not require any treatment. The infection fades off on its own in a couple of weeks. However, there are vaccines that can prevent the occurrence of chicken pox. There are several measures that can be taken to manage or alleviate the symptoms arising from chicken pox. Certain measures can also be taken to prevent the spreading of the infection to others. Tylenol can be used to help with temperature and pain. It is important to note that aspirin or aspirin-containing products must be avoided when one has chicken pox as it can lead to complications. Tylenol can also be used when pregnant women get chicken pox.
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Know about the causes and symptoms of heartburn

Know about the causes and symptoms of heartburn

Heartburn is the common name for acid reflux or acid indigestion. This disorder in most cases has very little to do with the heart. The initial symptom is a burning sensation or irritation in the esophagus – the food pipe that carries food downwards from the mouth to the stomach. The person may also feel pain in the chest and the upper central abdomen areas. People also feel the taste of acid in the mouth. Other symptoms are bad breath, breathing problems and vomiting. Depending on how long this disorder lasts, the pain can radiate to the neck, jaw, and throat. The underlying cause of heartburn is an unusual upward flow of the stomach’s contents into the esophagus. The stomach contains ingested food, acids, and enzymes. The stomach’s inner lining is built to withstand the effects of the stomach’s acid, but this is not the case with the esophagus. The burning sensation in the food pipe is caused by the acid in the stomach’s contents. The lining in the esophagus cannot withstand the presence of acids. Normally there is no reversed upward movement of the contents in the stomach into the food pipe. At the junction of the esophagus and the stomach, there is a muscular valve known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
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Clarifying dental care myths

Clarifying dental care myths

There are many myths surrounding dental care regime and what steps should be followed to ensure oral health. Here are some of the most common myths busted to ensure that the correct steps are taken to ensure proper health: Myth : Doctor visits are unwarranted unless there is pain. Fact : For healthy dental care, regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the dentist are fundamental. We must pay attention to the teeth systematically by eating the right kind of foods. In addition, it is important to maintain cleanliness by following the simple steps of brushing and flossing to avoid the formation of plaque or cavities. Also, visiting the dentist to get your teeth professionally examined and cleaned every six months is important. Failing to do these will mean that the amount of time, efforts, and resources you end up spending on treating tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral cavity issues will be exorbitantly high. Especially, people with known genetic disorders, congenital problems, and those suffering from systemic diseases must certainly visit the dentist often because there is an unmistakable, evident connection between oral wellness and a healthy body. Periodic dental checkups are extremely important, so do not wait until your teeth hurt.
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Different ways to treat dry eyes

Different ways to treat dry eyes

Dry eyes are a common eye condition that can be reversed easily unless left undiagnosed and untreated for a very long time. There are many causes of dry eyes and accordingly, there are varied treatment options too. Proper treatment is usually personalized to suit every individual patient depending on what the cause is. Age, gender, poor environmental conditions, side effects of medication prescribed for comorbid diseases, and other natural conditions can all be a trigger for dry eyes. While eye drops were once the most common solution used to treat dry eyes, advancements in medical research have encouraged ophthalmologists to adopt other treatments too. Some of them are mentioned here below. Over-the-counter eye drops are artificial tears that help keep the eye moist and safe from dust and infection. They are of two types; with preservatives and preservative-free. There are eye gels that do the same job but their effect lasts longer than that of eye drops. Antibiotics are the next in line of treatment for dry eyes. These could be in the form of oral antibiotics, eye drops or eye ointments. Anti-inflammatory medications that reduce the swelling of the eyelids are prescribed as it prevents the secretion of oil (in tears) that acts as a lubricant.
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Reasons why one experiences itchiness

Reasons why one experiences itchiness

The medical term for the feeling of itchiness is called pruritis and the phenomenon is a normal response of the body. It is performed to protect and shield us from any kind of damage or injury either internally or externally. It could be a one time, intermittent, persistent or a non-stop sensation. Itching can be caused by multiple reasons and at times can be a symptom of an underlying illness, an allergy rash, or a psychological illness. A careful observation of when and how the itch starts can help identify the cause. What causes itching of the skin? Dry skin:  Winter or dry weather can cause an itch. This is the most common cause of itch in men, women, and children. Rashes: Most rashes which form as a result of bacterial and fungal infection for e.g. athlete’s foot can cause acute itchiness. Bug bites: Bite from bugs like mosquitoes, spider or bed mites, body, and hair lice also can cause an itch. Atopic dermatitis: These dry, scaly, itchy patches are more likely to develop in kids who have asthma or food allergies. Contact dermatitis: An itchy rash which develops when our skin comes into contact with certain chemicals, detergents, pollen, foliage like ragweed or poison ivy, and even jewelry and cosmetics.
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All about allergies and their triggers

All about allergies and their triggers

With a rise in temperature, pollution, and rapid deterioration, there are many allergens that could have fatal consequences. Allergies occur when the human body identifies an object or substance as a foreign object and tries to protect itself from harm, causing a reaction. The immune system plays an important role here. Additionally, external factors play a role in this as well. For example, erosion, pollen, dust, etc, can cause the immune system to react differently. All these changes are capable of producing extremely serious reactions in our bodies. Sometimes, it may seem as though small problems like fever or allergies are very common and happen time and again. However, carefully understanding what these conditions signify and learning about them is important in order to prevent any developments which could lead to serious health conditions in the future. Educating yourself about these apparently small conditions could also help you assess the situation properly and take timely steps when they present themselves. Allergies occur when the body reacts to foreign objects which are known as allergens. Some of the most commonly observed cases of allergies are bee venom, pollen, and pet dander. In some other cases, allergies could also be caused by certain types of medications and foods.
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Things to know when on birth control pills

Things to know when on birth control pills

Birth control pills are quite popular and everyone seems to know all about them. However, the real question is, how much do we really know about birth control methods, especially the pills, apart from the fact that they are used to prevent pregnancy? Is there a fear of getting pregnant despite being on the pill? How effective are these birth control pills? What is the correct way to use them? Is there a wrong way to use them, and what can happen if they are used in the wrong way? Here are a few tips to help understand what one has to avoid when they are on a birth control pill: Starting the pill late One of the most common mistakes that women tend to make is that they start using birth control pills only after their next cycle is a day or two late. If one is starting their cycle late by a day, they need to take two pills quickly and then switch to one pill per day from then on. However, if the delay is by two days, they should take two pills for the next two days and then go back to one pill per day.
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Treatments and medications for ear infection

Treatments and medications for ear infection

Ear infections that occur in the space behind the eardrum (middle ear) are called otitis media. Ear pain is the most troublesome symptom of ear infection. In most cases, ear infections resolve within 2 to 3 days. If the pain or any of the other symptoms seem to continue, it is better to check with the doctor for further treatment and medications. Some of the following medications and treatments are effective in relieving the symptoms of ear infection: Antibiotics:  Antibiotics are effective medicines that can kill bacteria. They can be given in the form of ear drops or in the form of oral medicines. Ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin-dexamethasone (Ciprodex) are the commonly preferred antibiotic ear drops. Generally, ear drops are safer and much effective for ear infections. However, oral antibiotics such as amoxicillin can also be effective and successful for treating a ear infection. Other oral medications may include cephalexin (Keflex), sulfamethoxazole, cefdinir, cefpodoxime, cefuroxime, or ceftriaxone. The dosage of these oral antibiotics depends on the severity of the ear infection. Over-the-counter (OTC) therapies:  The doctor may even prescribe a few over-the-counter medications to relieve the pain. Usually, OTC medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen are advised for children. The dosage of ibuprofen for children is 4 to 10 mg every 6 to 8 hours based on the severity of the infection or the pain.
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Debunking 4 myths about schizophrenia

Debunking 4 myths about schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a serious and life-long disease that cannot be cured but can be managed and controlled with the right treatment. It is a disorder that affects the brain. In severe cases, the affected person experiences distortion in the way they think, act, express, perceive reality, and interact with others. People with schizophrenia are susceptible to withdrawal; they are mostly not comfortable while relating to society, be it in school or at work. They also have emotional problems while interacting with their friends and family members. Due to schizophrenia, a person might lose control over their perception of reality. The person is unable to tell the difference between imagination and reality. A psychotic episode is said to occur when a person loses touch with reality. The intensity of schizophrenia varies from person to person. Even the psychotic episodes and their frequency differ. Some might get one or two episodes in their entire life, whereas others might experience full-blown episodes frequently. People seem to harbor a lot of misconceptions about this disorder. Here are some myths that people have about schizophrenia: Myth: Schizophrenia leads to a split personality Reality: Schizophrenia does not lead to split personality disorder. Perhaps this belief is because the word schizophrenia in modern Latin means “split mind,” but it refers to the gaps in a person’s ability to comprehend (to think) and express themselves.
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4 important questions a person affected by erectile dysfunction should ask

4 important questions a person affected by erectile dysfunction should ask

The inability to achieve or sustain an erection on the penis suitable for sexual intercourse is referred to as erectile dysfunction (ED). There are various factors that result in erectile dysfunction, some of which include side effects of medications taken, consuming too much alcohol or poor blood flow to the penis. If you are having trouble with erection once a while, there is probably nothing to worry about. If it happens on a regular basis, it is indeed a sign of a health problem. It is certainly traumatic for a man to go through and it does largely affect the relationship and the man also develops low self-esteem. Ask yourself the following questions about erectile dysfunction and do visit a doctor for an immediate diagnosis and treatment plan. Question: Why me? Answer: There are innumerable reasons why you have got ED. Some of it could be high blood pressure over a period of time, diabetes (especially when the levels go fluctuating from low to high or vice versa), abuse of alcohol and drugs, hormonal imbalance, injury to your prostate, bladder, and pelvis. However, it is important to note that erectile dysfunction is not only physical but also psychological. Just a sheer nervousness while performing – as to how you are performing could result in the inability of erection.
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