Healing tips after getting a dental surgery

Healing tips after getting a dental surgery

If you have lost your teeth owing to age or in an accident, visiting a dentist would give you three teeth replacement options namely dentures, bridges, and implants. The last two are inter-linked with each other. Bridges refer to the fixed restoration of teeth used for replacing the missing tooth or teeth. On the other hand, dental implants represent the surgical component interfaces with jaw-bone to provide optimal support to various dental prostheses like a denture, bridge, and crown. Once a patient undergoes this treatment, it consumes a long time to heal. Given below are a few tips that will assist in the fast healing of dental surgeries: Take proper rest There are many people who love to push the body beyond its capability post-surgery which is not good at all. Taking proper rest after bridges and implants is necessary as it promotes fast healing. The post-surgical period is also known as mini-vacation period and during this period all you have to do is to take complete rest. One can take complete rest by sleeping for a long period of time. It will let the surgical area recover and heal. It helps in keeping the stitches undisturbed which alleviates the pain progressively.
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8 benefits of using electric toothbrushes

8 benefits of using electric toothbrushes

Brushing your teeth twice a day is one of the basic principles of dental hygiene. However, it is vital to understand that using the right toothbrush can go a long way in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. As compared to a manual toothbrush, an electric toothbrush is technologically advanced and comes with several features which make it convenient for you to brush your teeth correctly. Removes plaque effectively According to some medical studies, an electric toothbrush can remove more plaque than a manual one, and it reduces the risk of gingivitis as well. After three months, there was a 21 percent decrease in plaque and an 11 percent decrease in gingivitis. Within electric toothbrushes too, there is a difference in performance. An oscillating toothbrush is better than the ones that only vibrate. Easy to use for people with restricted mobility For people who have problems with mobility, an electric toothbrush is a better choice. It is a boon for people with health issues like carpal tunnel, arthritis, and developmental disabilities. Timers for guaranteed full-time usage While using manual toothbrushes, you might compromise on the time you’re spending on brushing your teeth. However, that is not the case with electric toothbrushes.
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How to choose the right toothpaste

How to choose the right toothpaste

Toothpaste is one of the most essential necessities for basic hygiene and self-care. Dentists often suggest that we should brush our teeth two to three times during the day. However, choosing the right toothpaste often does not make it to the list of our priorities. People select the toothpaste they are using based on the branding and packaging, price, or even a discount that the toothpaste company offers. You could possibly use the same toothpaste that you have been using since childhood because you’re comfortable buying and using that toothpaste only. Going beyond the label, there are many things that are important for selecting the right toothpaste. We have listed out a few below. Fluoride content Almost all toothpaste brands sold in most countries around the globe have fluoride. The very fundamental rule of basic hygiene and dental care is brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, according to a majority of dentists. Fluoride has high cavity-fighting properties, something common across its different formulations that are available. However, there could be several natural toothpaste formulations that do not contain fluoride, reasons for which have been discussed in numerous studies showing problems with fluoride. For kids under the age of six, rinsing the mouth with fluoride is not recommended.
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Types of pet meds available in the market

Types of pet meds available in the market

A pet can bring forth some of the happiest moments of your life. Yet, no matter how much love you have for your furry friend, your pet will still face the inevitability of illness. Your veterinarian might instruct you to administer a few medications to your pet, commonly called pet meds. These pet meds are administered with the goal of managing or curing an illness. With the exception of some veterinary-specific medication, most types of animal medications are similar to medicines administered to humans. The most commonly found pets are dogs and cats, so here is a list of the types of pet meds administered to them. Do keep in mind that this is not in any way a complete list of medication in veterinary medicine. Antibiotics These are drugs that primarily destroy microbes, including bacteria and yeast, along with other infections. While unable to kill viruses, these pet meds are used to fix secondary bacterial infections that happen when your pet suffers from viral infections. Common antibiotics include Cephalexin and Penicillin, among others. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories These pet meds serve the simple purpose of reducing swelling and pain among other issues. The list of anti-inflammatories consists of Carprofen, Firocoxib, and Deracoxib, among others.
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All you need to know about sleep apnea

All you need to know about sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder that is characterized by repeated stops and starts of one’s breathing pattern. Symptoms People with sleep apnea usually have symptoms that include; loud snoring, noisy and labored breathing when asleep, episodes of paused breathing, waking with a dry mouth, gasping for air when sleeping, morning headaches and insomnia. Some patients also have night sweats and frequently wake up to urinate. Patients with this condition wake up feeling tired and irritable. Causes There are two types of sleep apnea, namely; Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea. Very few people have mixed apnea which is a combination of both types. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the airway is narrowed, owing to the muscles in the back of the throat relaxing. This causes insufficient air to reach one’s lungs, lowering the levels of oxygen in the blood. This causes the brain to realize that you are not able to breathe which leads to a brief awakening with choking, a gasp or a snort, that makes you reopen the air passage. This is not usually remembered but it prevents one from getting a night of restful sleep. Central Sleep Apnea This form of apnea is caused by the lack of signals from the brain to the muscles that control breathing.
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Flossing facts that will amaze you

Flossing facts that will amaze you

Disregarding flossing as optional or unnecessary may lead to loss of teeth or even fatal diseases. Regular flossing will help keep your teeth happy, give you fresh breath and keep diseases at bay. Following are some interesting facts related to flossing that can help you with oral hygiene. Facts you should know about flossing There are do’s and don’ts about flossing Flossing can be done at any time. Though it is necessary to floss twice a day like brushing, it needn’t be done only in the morning and at the end of the day. You should try carrying floss everywhere with you so that can you can floss at any time you get, between a lunch break or in your car. Take around 20 inches of floss and hold it between your index fingers and thumbs. Flossing should neither be too tight nor too gentle. Apply moderate pressure so as not to stress the delicate gum tissues. Ensure to floss on both sides of the teeth. Children can use wide dental tape for better results, as the space between their teeth is larger. Floss is not necessary Though dental floss is generally used, you can even use tiny brushes, wooden plaque removers of even pre-threaded flossers to remove dirt from between the teeth effectively.
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An overview of menopause

An overview of menopause

Menopause begins when there is no occurrence of menstrual periods for more than 12 months. This indicates the permanent end of menstruation. It is a normal biological process and occurs in women in their 40s or 50s. The average age for the onset of menopause for women in the country is 51. Symptoms In the months before menopause (perimenopause) sets in, women have symptoms like irregular periods, trouble sleeping, chills, mood swings, dry vagina, night sweats, weight gain or slow metabolism, hot flashes, hair thinning, reduced breast fullness, and dry skin. Every woman goes through different symptoms when they are approaching menopause. The usual menstrual cycle gets disturbed and periods could be skipped, or the cycle can be shorter or occur close together for a few months. During this phase, women can still get pregnant. Causes Drop in reproductive hormones Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones responsible for menstruation. The levels of these hormones start reducing once women reach their late 30s. As a result, their fertility declines as well. In their 40s, women start to see a change in their menstrual cycles, like change in the duration of their cycle, the amount of discharge, etc. By the age of 51, most women stop having periods as their ovaries are unable to produce eggs.
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6 causes for bad breath you should be aware of

6 causes for bad breath you should be aware of

Bad breath, also called halitosis, is an exasperating condition. It meddles with the confidence of a person, causing anxiety. While various products in the stores ranging from mouthwashes to mints promise to fight bad breath, they seldom address the underlying cause, providing only temporary benefits. To address the issue in depth, it is important to understand the root cause. Some of the causes of bad breath are: Food The food broken down in your mouth could get stuck in your teeth, resulting in a bad odor. This is due to the build of the bacteria. In some cases, the bacteria along with acids erode the enamel of the teeth, leading to cavities. This is another reason for odor. Foods like garlic, onion, and spices could increase the odor considerably. After digestion, the contents of such food particles get into your bloodstream and are carried to your lungs, causing bad breath. Poor oral hygiene Poor oral hygiene is one of the major causes of bad breath. If you do not brush your teeth and floss regularly, food particles that are stuck in your teeth cause bad breath. It forms a thin layer on the teeth called plaque, which further adds to bad breath.
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Treatments for dental cavities

Treatments for dental cavities

Dental cavities mainly occur due to tooth decay. Poor oral hygiene and buildup of plaque are the primary factors that cause cavities. Many treatment options are available for dental cavities, some of which are discussed below. Dental cavities Cavities are holes in the teeth caused by tooth decay. It occurs due to the buildup of plaque caused by poor oral hygiene. Sugar in food can react with bacteria to form acids that can eat through the teeth, causing decay. If not treated on time, it can lead to the loss of the tooth. Treatment for cavities When it comes to cavities, prevention is better than cure. Regular dental checkups can help in spotting cavities at an early stage, and it can be treated before it causes additional problems. Here are some of the treatment options available once you are diagnosed with cavities: Fluoride treatment Removal of the tooth Fillings Dental crowns Root canal treatment Fluoride treatment At an early stage, tooth decay can be treated with the help of fluoride treatment. This involves the use of a gel or liquid fluoride brushed onto the teeth. It can help reverse the cavity. Removal of the tooth If the decay is at an advanced stage and there is no hope for repair, then tooth extraction is the only way out.
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Causes of nausea

Causes of nausea

Nausea refers to discomfort in the stomach which may make an individual feel like throwing up. The condition of nausea could be triggered by several factors, but this condition is preventable. Causes of nausea The condition of nausea can crop up due to several causes. Some individuals are sensitive to certain types of foods, motion, medication, and other such factors. These factors may end up triggering nausea and vomiting. Some medical conditions can also lead to nausea. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): GERD or heartburn can be a trigger because of which the contents of the stomach may come up to the esophagus while a person is eating. This results in inflammation that eventually leads to nausea. Virus or bacteria: Viruses and bacteria can also affect the stomach and result in the condition of nausea. Foodborne bacteria can lead to an illness called food poisoning. Some viral infections can also lead to nausea. Medications: If one takes certain medicines, and if their system is not used to these medications, then it could result in upsetting the stomach and lead to nausea. So, one should be very careful and read the composition of the medicine carefully before taking them. One should also learn about the medicines as well as their side effects before taking them as a part of a treatment plan.
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