Essential checklist for the symptoms of anxiety

Essential checklist for the symptoms of anxiety

Quite often, the symptoms of anxiety disorders go unnoticed as they are not very prominent in the initial stages, but lack of treatment can cause these symptoms to worsen with time. It is natural for all of us to experience a certain level of anxiety at various points in life, but due to this, we tend to ignore the initial symptoms of anxiety disorders till we reach a point where the condition starts affecting our mental and physical health. Anxiety is caused by a wide variety of factors. It is important to understand the triggers of this condition as it can help you cope with it. If you are in doubt as to whether you have anxiety and whether or not it is having an impact on your life, you can refer to this checklist to analyze your situation or that of your friends and family. Note that this checklist cannot help you diagnose anxiety, but it can make you aware of whether your condition requires further medical attention. It is necessary to consult a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment. This checklist is based on the list of symptoms that are most common among people who have anxiety.
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All you need to know about hemorrhoids

All you need to know about hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen, engorged veins that are located in the lower rectum or around that anus. Hemorrhoids are also known as piles and can either be external or internal. Internal hemorrhoids develop within the anal or rectal canals, whilst external hemorrhoids are developed on the outer part of the anus. A hemorrhoid is also known as piles. The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids depend on the severity and type of the condition. Commonly the disease is not serious but sometimes it can be more severe. Hemorrhoids can result from hurt during bowel movement and women get during pregnancy. Types of Hemorrhoids Internal hemorrhoids An internal hemorrhoid is found within the rectum. It cannot be seen or felt and they rarely cause discomfort. However, irritation and straining while sitting on the toilet can cause severe damage to the hemorrhoids surface, causing it to bleed. Rarely, straining can push internal hemorrhoid all the way to the anal opening. This causes irritation and pain, and it is called a prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoid. External hemorrhoid External hemorrhoids can be felt just beneath the skin around your anus. Scratching causes irritation and it can get itchier and bleed. Thrombosed hemorrhoids A thrombosed hemorrhoid is caused when the swelling breaks and the blood forms into a clot.
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6 factors that can cause depression

6 factors that can cause depression

Clinical depression is an extremely complex condition that can drive the way one thinks and alter their behavior. This mental illness makes one lose interest in every kind of daily activity and is characterized by melancholy. This disorder is extremely common among people today and about one in six persons go through the same. Depression can seep in at any age, however, the possibility is much higher among individuals who are in their late teens and mid-twenties. The reason why one may grow depressed is most commonly unknown. Often, the medical professionals will evaluate the symptoms and the possible causes of depression when undertaking treatment. There are several factors that can increase the risk and they include: Poor physical health The is a deep link between the wellbeing of the body and the mind. The constant affliction of physical health conditions will indubitably affect one’s mental health too.  There will be changes in the state of one’s mind over time. The constant dealing with a chronic illness will trigger stress followed by consistent episodes of depression. Also, there are certain types of illnesses such as liver disease and Addison’s disease which can trigger the symptoms of depression. Substance and alcohol abuse The addiction to alcohol and substances can majorly contribute to a disorder of depression.
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Dry mouth symptoms and complications

Dry mouth symptoms and complications

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a condition in which the salivary glands in the mouth do not produce sufficient saliva, which keeps the mouth wet and lubricated. The condition mostly occurs as a result of the side effects of certain medicines or due to aging or exposure to radiation. Less often, dry mouth occurs because of a condition that directly impacts the salivary glands. The saliva that is produced in the mouth is extremely important. The amazing lubricating properties of saliva offer comfort and protect the oral tissues from sores, ulcers, and bacterial infections. Saliva prevents tooth decay by neutralizing the acids produced by bacteria and keeps all microbial, viral, and fungal infections at bay. It enhances your ability to taste and also makes it easier to swallow and chew. In addition, saliva contains certain enzymes that help in digestion. So, when dry mouth occurs, all these functions are impaired, leading to the poor health of your teeth and gums. Symptoms of dry mouth A feeling of dryness in the mouth A feeling of dryness in the throat Sore throat Hoarseness Persistent cough Frequent feeling of thirst Difficulty in chewing and swallowing food Increased intake of fluids to aid swallowing An altered sense of taste Dry eyes Cracked lips Pale gums Bad breath Headache or dizziness Dryness in the nasal passages Nausea Ulcers or sores in the mouth Dry corners of the mouth Red or bleeding gums White coating on the tongue, generally indicating a fungal infection Tooth decay, on the root surface or along the gum lining A lot of people suffering from the condition of dry mouth may experience fungal infections, which are often characterized by a white coating or dark plague on the tongue or soft tissues of the mouth.
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Causes of eating disorders and people at risk

Causes of eating disorders and people at risk

Eating disorders are a type of ailment that cause troubling eating habits and unnecessary anguish or anxiety about putting on extra weight. It can either cause excessive or scarce consumption of food, eventually resulting in damage to the patient’s health. If not treated early on, it can be fatal as well. What causes eating disorders? Though the exact reason for eating disorders is yet to be found, most of them can be traced to a combination of psychological, social, and biological factors: Family history Sometimes it might be due to a biological problem and thus people who have a family history of binge eating, or who have been brought up with an erratic food habit, run the risk of being impacted by this ailment more than others. Psychological:  It can be due to certain hidden mental pressure or psychological problem, especially amongst teenagers and young adults. Depression. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some traumatic incident in life. Family upbringing causing an obsession with the figure and looks. Lack of confidence. Societal:  It can also be due to the environment or society the person is living in. An intense focus on the person’s appearance Pressure to participate in extra-curricular activities demanding body fitness. Peer pressure.
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Smart tips to prevent cold and cough

Smart tips to prevent cold and cough

Cold and cough are one of the most infuriating infections to catch. Not only does it spread from one person to another, but it also makes your life hard. From trouble in breathing to lack of concentration, cold and cough makes everyone’s lives difficult. If you are tired of facing the problem of cold and cough every now and then, here are some smart tips to help you beat it: Avoid contact with people who have cold and cough The first step towards preventing the onset of cough and cold is to make sure that you steer clear of those who already have it. It is a well-established fact that cough and cold are both contagious diseases. These diseases spread when we are in contact with the viruses that cause them. Other than this, if you already have a cold or a cough, then here is what you can do to prevent it from spreading any further: Make sure that you sneeze into a tissue Discard the tissue right away Make sure that you take over-the-counter medication to get rid of cold and cough after consulting a doctor Include yogurt in your diet Both cold and cough are respiratory diseases.
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Ways to prevent athlete’s foot

Ways to prevent athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a type of fungal infection which affects the toes. It is also known as tinea pedis as the tinea fungus causes this infection. Athletes are more prone to this condition, thus the name. This fungal disease is contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another through contaminated floors, clothing, or towels. There are also reports of the infection spreading from the feet to the hands, if not taken care of properly. Common symptoms include scaly red rashes on the feet, which start in between the toes and then spread to other parts of the legs. They often cause blisters, cracking and peeling of the skin and cause toenails to pull away from the nail bed. People wearing tight fitted shoes, walking barefoot in locker rooms, swimming pools, or showers, or individuals sharing towels, bed linen, shocks, and shoes are at a higher risk of getting infected. Prevention of athlete’s foot Though athlete’s foot it is not a life-threatening condition, at times, it can be worrisome as it is difficult to cure and is recurring. Patients often use over-the-counter antifungal medications to treat this infection. However, it is best to prevent this fungal disease altogether. Wash your feet with medicated soap and thoroughly dry them with a towel every day.
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Causes, types, and diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Causes, types, and diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) falls into the category of anxiety disorders. Repetitive actions or behaviors triggered by fear, apprehension, or uneasiness are the hallmarks of OCD. The signs and symptoms of OCD are subjective. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the definition of OCD is the presence of compulsions and/or obsessions that disrupt or distress daily living to a large extent. Both women and men are affected by OCD. The signs and symptoms of the disease may surface as early as ten years of age in some people. It is not necessary that they have obsessions and compulsions together. Fear of contamination, fear of causing trouble, intrusive thoughts, excessive superstition, and fear of losing something may be classified as obsessive thoughts. While excessive double checking, repeating words or phrases, rearranging things repeatedly, retaining old junk items, and repeatedly checking on loved ones are classified as compulsive behaviors. Causes Generally, people develop OCD in their 30s. This type of behavior may also be found in children. There are several theories regarding the cause of OCD. One theory states that head injuries or infections may cause OCD. Biological causes of OCD point to the circuit in the brain responsible for sexuality, aggression, and bodily excretions.
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Diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder

Diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes extreme fluctuations in mood. It is also known as manic-depressive disorder. When one becomes depressed, one may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. When the mood shifts to mania or hypomania (less extreme than mania), one may feel euphoric, full of energy or unusually irritable. Mood swings can affect sleep, energy, activity, judgment, behavior, and the ability to think clearly. Some people may rarely experience these mood swings while others may face them multiple times a year. Most people will experience some emotional symptoms between episodes. However, some may not experience any signs. Although bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, one can manage the mood swings and other symptoms by following a treatment plan. Diagnosis Physical examination: A doctor may conduct a physical examination and lab tests to identify any medical problems that might be causing the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Psychiatric assessment: The patient might be referred to a psychiatrist, who will talk to them about their thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns. One might also need to fill out a physiological self-assessment or questionnaire. With the patient’s permission, family members or close friends may be asked to provide information about the symptoms.
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Things to consider while going for a gum surgery

Things to consider while going for a gum surgery

Gum surgery is done when the abnormalities of the gum advance at a drastic level. An untreated gum problem majorly leads to the condition where gum surgery is needed. There are many things to consider while going for surgery in the gum. Some of the leading considerations are given below. Choosing a dental surgeon It is vital to choose an experienced dentist who can perform the needful surgeries in the gum. The experienced dentists who carry out various surgeries in your tooth generally have a special degree for it. Moreover, the dentist who does the surgery has a suitable setup for it. You must take professional help for the correct diagnoses of your dental problem. A knowledgeable professional can suggest the perfect time for dental surgery. The place of surgery You must choose a suitable place for gum surgery. Check if your dentist has the proper setup to carry out the gum surgery perfectly. At times, the dentists might give you pre-surgical medicines. Consider taking them right on time. Maintaining oral health Maintaining good oral health is one of the most trick jobs while having gum disease. The swelling of the gums can cause immense pains and the sensitivity of the gums might also rise decently.
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