Simple and effective home remedies for treating acne
Conventional acne treatment can get pretty expensive, and it is not a permanent solution to keep acne at bay. You can try the following home remedies to treat acne.
- Coconut oil and sugar – Make a scrub by mixing equal parts of coconut oil and sugar. Then, scrub your face with this mixture and rinse your face with water.
- Cinnamon and honey – Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and two tablespoons of honey. Apply this paste to your face and let it stay for 15 minutes before rinsing with water.
- Aloe vera – Scoop out the aloe gel from the aloe vera plant and apply it to your face. Apply it twice daily.
- Lemon juice – You can apply some lemon juice to your face. As lemon juice acts as a disinfectant, it helps to remove the scars that are caused by acne and prevents it from reappearing.
- Apple cider vinegar – To three parts of water, add one part apple cider vinegar. You can apply this on your face and leave it on for 20 seconds after which you should rinse it off.
- Witch hazel – You can apply witch hazel on your acne. Just take a cotton ball, put a few drops of witch hazel onto it, and then clean your face with it. Ideally, do this once in the morning and once at night before going to bed.
- Coconut oil – Do you have open acne sores? If you have dry skin, you can apply coconut oil to it. You can also gently rub the oil onto the affected area, which will help in healing the acne sores faster.
- Fresh mint, oatmeal, and yogurt – You can mix two tablespoons of fresh mint, which is ground into a paste, with two tablespoons of oatmeal powder, and two tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mix them well, apply them on the acne, and leave on for 10 minutes, before rinsing it off.
- Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil is another great method to reduce acne. You can take a small amount of it and apply it to the acne-covered area of the skin. You will see effective and visible results.
- Yogurt – You can apply plain yogurt to the areas on your skin with the acne. Ideally, you should use low-fat yogurt. When it dries up, you can rinse with lukewarm water.
- Green tea – Boil water and then put green tea in it. Let it soak in for four minutes. Allow the tea to cool and then apply to the areas with the acne. When it dries up completely, you can wash the area with water.
- Aspirin – Take four aspirin pills and mix them with two tablespoons of water. Apply this mixture to your face and then rinse. It helps to reduce the inflammation caused by acne.
- Honey and oatmeal mask – You can apply this honey and oatmeal mask to soothe acne. Take one cup of powdered oatmeal and mix it with half a cup of honey. Apply it on the affected areas and leave on for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water.